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Serving God
Transforming Lives

Food Closet Ministry

In need of food assistance?  We are here to help.

About Us

First Congregational Church, an Open and Affirming congregation, unites people of diverse beliefs, backgrounds and social circumstances around a common passion to serve the world and a common purpose: to love God with heart, soul, mind and strength, and our neighbors as ourselves. Our ideal is an open minded, warm hearted, spirit lifted church. We seek to express, in all dimensions of our life together, the mind and Spirit of Christ. We would love to have you join us.



Hear what our friends, members, and community partners have to say about us.

Join Us!

We heartily invite you to join us for worship either in-person or via our online livestream.  Also, keep up to date with the latest news and events at FCC.


In-Person Worship

Worship with us in-person every Sunday at 10 am.


Online Worship

Worship with us from the comfort of your own home.

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Event Highlights

Our work is making a difference in the community.

Get Involved!

There are multiple ways to serve.  Help us make an impact on our community.

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